You will likely spend more money on a vehicle than on most things you purchase. You will also rely on your vehicle every day to perform well. In addition, you want your car to look nice – inside and out. If your vehicle’s interior gets dirty, it can start to have foul odors. Mold and mildew growth is also possible. These factors can affect your health and the pleasantness of your ride. You can easily keep the interior clean with a few homemade cleaning solutions.
Dashboard Cleaner
Firstly, you may notice a dirty dashboard in your vehicle. It can easily become dusty and attract dirt and other messes. Before long, the dashboard may be sticky or caked with all kinds of gunk. Fortunately, there’s a handy way to remove these problems. Begin with a clean spray bottle. Then put in a tablespoon of plain white vinegar, a cup of warm water, a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and two teaspoons of bay oil. Shake the contents well to combine them. You can then use the cleaner to make the dashboard look clean and shiny. It’s best to use a cloth to wipe the dashboard, as paper towels can stick to the cleaner.
Fabric Upholstery Cleaner
The upholstery in your car almost certainly needs attention. These are common places for spills. Moreover, you may track dirt and mud into the vehicle, where it can spread over the seats. If you put off cleaning the upholstery, you will quickly notice unpleasant smells and unsightly stains. Cleaning the upholstery is less difficult than you may think. Start grating six tablespoons of laundry bar soap. Then place the soap and two tablespoons of borax in a mixing bowl of boiling water. Use an egg beater to whisk and carefully mix the contents until well combined.
Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes. Once it is cool, combine the mixture until it looks like whipped cream. You can then apply it to the upholstery in your vehicle. Use a cloth to run it into the seats and other areas.
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Vinyl Cleaner
If the seats in your vehicle are not cloth but leather or vinyl, there is a good chance they will become dusty and dirty. However, a homemade cleaner can restore the shine and attractive look of these materials. Pour 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup of olive oil, and six to 10 drops of lemon essential oil into a spray bottle. Lastly, shake it well, and it will be ready to use.
Don’t let your car get so dirty that you can’t stand riding in it. Make and use these cleaners today. And then, when your car needs service, bring it to the team at Bob Brady Hyundai in Decatur, Illinois.
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