This time of year, it’s easy to enjoy the things you have. Between friends, family, gifts, food, and wonderful memories, there’s so much to be thankful for, and it’s so simple to look around and appreciate it. However, there are some out there who are not that fortunate. In fact, some of them have four legs, a tail, and are in need of food. If you or someone you know can’t afford to buy pet food, or you are feeding a large number of animals or strays, take advantage of the Pet Food Bank here in Decatur!
How To Get Help
The New Hope Animal Outreach in Decatur has been putting on an event called the Pet Food Bank, and in the process has been saving families and their pets by providing reduced price pet food every third Thursday of each month. The event, which is aimed to help low-income families, will put food in the bowls of their pets, and help those families have a little more to spend this holiday season.
You can come to the News Stand at 801 N. Water St. (corner of N. Water and Green Streets) from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. If you choose to donate, those donations will benefit the Northeast Community Fund and New Hope Animal Shelter. Special note from New Hope, no checks are accepted, so make sure to have cash or a card!
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Who’s Helping
New Hope Animal Outreach, which was founded in 2016, is solely aimed at providing a better quality of life for animals in the area. They accomplish this by teaching owners about humane ownership, while also helping low-income families afford food, care, and other surgeries such as spaying/neutering. They also provide temporary fosters and permanent care.
When the outreach opened, it was because they identified a need for a no-kill animal rescue in Macon County. They are always accepting volunteers and donations, so if you are interested in helping save the lives of some four-legged friends, reach out to newhopanimalshelter@gmail.com!
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