Use These 7 Tips To Clean Your Car

Shot of a father and his daughter washing their car outside

Shot of a father and his daughter washing their car outside

There’s something refreshing about riding in a clean car on your trips in Decatur, IL, and elsewhere. For example, if you step into a vehicle that smells good and is free of clutter and dirt, you instantly enjoy being there. Conversely, if the car has odors, stains, garbage, and other debris inside, you can’t wait to get out. The good news is there are some effective ways to keep your vehicle looking great. If your car is dirty, follow these steps. Moreover, with some of these steps, you can avoid the troubling issues that plague some cars.

Spot Clean

If you notice any annoying spots in the car, it’s best to address them right away. If you let them set in, it’s much more difficult to remove. You can get rid of stains with a simple spot cleaner, either a store-bought product or a homemade remedy. For instance, hairspray can get rid of ink stains. A watered-down paint thinner can take care of oily stains.

Vacuum Often

Keeping dirt and debris out of your car will prevent odors. Additionally, doing this will keep mold and mildew from developing. The most effective way to handle this problem is to vacuum the vehicle. Vacuum the floor and seats weekly or as needed.

Clean the Leather

If you have leather upholstery, you need to pay special attention to good care and maintenance. You can purchase leather-cleaning kits to prevent aging and fading. Secondly, purchase and use a leather conditioner. If you decide to use a homemade option, make sure it’s mild so it won’t hard the leather.

Clean the Vinyl

Many vehicles have vinyl, and this material also requires close attention. One good method to do this is to use baking soda. For instance, mix it with a little water and gently rub it on the vinyl. Furthermore, you can use glass cleaner to treat vinyl.

Clean the Fabric Upholstery

Fabric upholstery has a tendency to gather dust, lint, and hair. However, there is an easy way to get rid of these and make the fabric clean. Firstly, simply get a lint brush and use it each time you exit the car. Moreover, a toothbrush works well in small spaces and seams. Soap, borax, and hot water can also successfully clean fabric.

Hire a Pro

If your vehicle has significant cleanliness issues, a professional detailer can get your car looking great. Detailers have the tools and skills to thoroughly clean the interior and make the outside shine like it just came off the lot.

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Mess Prevention

Some tactics can keep messes from ever appearing. For instance, seat covers are a great idea to prevent staining. You can also apply stain repellent to the upholstery. Lastly, you should avoid eating and drinking in your car.

Practice these steps today so your car can stay clean. Riding in your car will be a much better experience. You can also maintain your car by bringing it to the service team at Bob Brady Hyundai in Decatur, IL. Stop by today to keep your car in good condition.

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